GAMP 5 second edition

GAMP 5, which stands for Good Automated Manufacturing Practice is a set of guidelines and best practices developed by the International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering (ISPE). It specifically addresses the validation and qualification of automated systems used in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. GAMP 5 provides a structured approach to ensure that these automated systems are designed, installed, and operated in a manner that meets regulatory requirements and ensures product quality and patient safety.

Explore our Udemy course on Computer System Validation and Maintenance Based on GAMP 5 Second Edition link to gain a deeper understanding of computer system validation in accordance with GAMP 5.

Key features of GAMP 5 include:

  1. Risk-Based Approach: GAMP 5 emphasizes a risk-based approach to system validation. It encourages companies to assess the potential risks associated with automated systems and prioritize validation efforts accordingly. This approach helps allocate resources more efficiently and focus on critical aspects of system functionality.

  2. Lifecycle Approach: GAMP 5 follows a lifecycle approach to system validation, which means that validation activities are conducted throughout the entire system's life, from concept and design through retirement. This approach ensures that systems remain in a validated state and that any changes or upgrades are appropriately assessed and documented.

  3. Category Structure: GAMP 5 introduces a category structure for software and hardware products, helping organizations determine the level of validation required based on the system's complexity and impact on product quality and patient safety.

  4. User and Supplier Responsibilities: GAMP 5 clearly defines the responsibilities of both users (pharmaceutical companies) and suppliers (vendors of automated systems) in the validation process. This clarity helps establish effective communication and collaboration between the two parties.

  5. Documentation and Compliance: GAMP 5 provides detailed guidance on documentation requirements, including the creation of validation documentation such as user requirements specifications (URS), design specifications, and test scripts. It also helps companies ensure compliance with regulatory agencies like the FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) and EMA (European Medicines Agency).


In summary, the GAMP 5 2nd edition is a vital resource for pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies seeking to maintain the quality and integrity of their automated systems. By following its principles and guidelines, organizations can enhance the reliability and safety of their manufacturing processes and products while staying in compliance with industry regulations.